Isidro de Jesús Sánchez Arce

Isidro de Jesús Sánchez Arce
Bioengineering Research Group.
The University of Manchester

Bioengineering Research Group.
Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering. University of Guanajuato, Mexico (2008)
Master in Mechanical Engineering. University of Guanajuato, Mexico (2011)
Research: Finite element analysis, mining and steelworks industries, machining, mechanic design, gearings, human motion.
CONACyT (Mexican National Council for Science and Technology) Scholarship.
 PhD Topic: Dart thrower’s motion design for total wrist arthroplasty.
The human wrist’s capability of movement allows a wide range of activities. When the wrist is damaged by accident or disease this capability may be lost. After suffering arthritis, the wrist motion is reduced and deformity could be present.
The wrist implants are intended to recover the wrist’s mobility; however, current wrist implants allow the motion in two independent planes whilst the wrist naturally allows a combination of both. The implants also have the inconvenient of loosening. The dart thrower’s motion is a natural wrist motion, which involves the synchronised movement in the two planes of motion. The dart thrower’s motion is used in daily life activities, its inclusion in prostheses design could result in the improvement of life quality of the patient.
The development of the design involves the use of computer modelling and experimental work to look for the mechanical behavior of the wrist.